Project Details

  • Client: GDCA
  • Type: Website
  • Completion Date: February 2017
  • Link:

Project Description

GDCA was long overdue for a website. Their old site was built on ASP and managed by a single, in-house IT person. Upon that person’s departure, there was no one update code, fix issues or edit pages. And finding an ASP developer to help proved difficult.

In addition to all the above challenges, their old site was not responsive. 

I convinced GDCA that it would be good time to move their site to WordPress. With a huge community, going with WordPress means they would always be able to find a quality developer to help theme with future needs. 

The had a decent budget for a new WordPress build but much of that budget would go to necessary advanced and custom features. Like many other builds, I was able to save budget by finding a good theme, making some modifications and adding some tools like a page builder (Beaver Builder).

The advanced features that were added included…

  • Connecting WordPress to a live SAP database of inventory
  • Creating an industry standards required customer survey (Gravity Forms)
  •  Building a risk assessment tool for potential customers (Gravity Forms)

About the Client

Using OEM-authorized IP and original specifications, GDCA provides repair, long-term customer support, manufacturing, and sustainment for over three thousand End-of-Life, COTS, and custom-embedded computer boards and systems.